Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Elephants are gentlemen

Its true. If elephants could dress themselves in a crude parody of humanity, they'd dress snappy as fuck. Im talkin $$ threads bro. You know it.

Also heres a Background i whipped up for work. I suck at making space scenes, but im getting better!

Monday, June 15, 2009

I finished a quick little painting of a penguin being given a peace offering by a deep see squid.

Does one respect the 'no candy from strangers' rule, when to refuse would be to look a gift horse in the mouth? I hear squids hate looking at horse mouths. What will this penguin do??? we will probably never know!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dragon slayer

"Why dont you let me hold onto this"

Oh large red un-threatening dragon, will you ever learn.
Drawn because I have it in my head that its a story im going to write and illustrate one day, just a tale of a girl who wants to be a dragon slayer, so after (not a lot) of thought she decides to go find a dragon to teach her how. Because who would know how to slay dragons, better then a dragon?? Im sure theres a ham fisted moral able to be thrust into the story somehow. Or maybe its the exception that proves the rule. Maybe the moral to the story can be that there is sometimes an exception to proving rules? Is there an exception to the rule that there can be exceptions that prove the rule?

How can an exception prove a rule? Help : (

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ive been trying to force myself to get more creative when it comes to drawing! So I've been setting aside time every week to draw animals/things that i havent drawn before. And perhaps, have never been drawn before? *PINKY FINGER TO CORNER OF MOUTH!*

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I drew this little guy whilst lis
tening to passion pits 'sleepy head'. I really have no idea why the song makes me think of green kangaroo monsters.

I decided that the quezacoatl has been highly misrepresented. So this is my interpretation, cause its meant to be some sort of odd feathered serpent? well i mean, whats more iconic to south american birdlife, then the humble toucan? So here is the toucan-snake. Does he grant wishes? does he eat people? does he do both and in what order does he do it? Science will find an answer soon!

Sea-monster chef just wants to cook his mashed potatoes with red specks. Leave him alone : (

I'll post some more up soon, i did a whole series of these..odd, creatures. Sometimes its fun to just draw retarded things : )

Woo! Go team!
~Sean "sean mcnally" Mcnally