Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ive been trying to force myself to get more creative when it comes to drawing! So I've been setting aside time every week to draw animals/things that i havent drawn before. And perhaps, have never been drawn before? *PINKY FINGER TO CORNER OF MOUTH!*

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I drew this little guy whilst lis
tening to passion pits 'sleepy head'. I really have no idea why the song makes me think of green kangaroo monsters.

I decided that the quezacoatl has been highly misrepresented. So this is my interpretation, cause its meant to be some sort of odd feathered serpent? well i mean, whats more iconic to south american birdlife, then the humble toucan? So here is the toucan-snake. Does he grant wishes? does he eat people? does he do both and in what order does he do it? Science will find an answer soon!

Sea-monster chef just wants to cook his mashed potatoes with red specks. Leave him alone : (

I'll post some more up soon, i did a whole series of these..odd, creatures. Sometimes its fun to just draw retarded things : )

Woo! Go team!
~Sean "sean mcnally" Mcnally

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